Monday, November 2, 2020


Monday Morning Messy Makers: Quilts

This week's theme is QUILTS. Keep scrolling to see book recommendations, songs, rhymes, activities, and crafts.

Teach me

Tune: London Bridge

Teach me how to make a quilt,

Make a quilt, make a quilt.

Show me how to add more squares,

And more color!


Take the quilt and cover up,

Cover up, cover up.

Take the quilt and cover up,

Say good night!


Our Quilt

Tune: Yankee Doodle

With our hands we made this quilt

We each made a special part

To show the family that we built

warms each and every heart.

Gram and Gramps, keep it up

Make the quilt so pretty!

Mom and Dad, come help  too

Let’s sing this little ditty.

Craft Instructions:

1. Open the flap of your bed and glue down your pillow and person.

2. Cover him up by folding the flap over.

3. Time to make the quilt! Choose what kind of pattern or design you want and glue squares of paper or tissue paper down.

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