Monday, February 22, 2021


Monday Morning Messy Makers: Dance

Keep scrolling to see book recommendations, songs, rhymes, activities, and crafts!

Shake Your Sillies Out

We’re gonna shake, shake, shake our sillies out,

Shake, shake, shake our sillies out,

Shake, shake, shake our sillies out,

And wiggle our waggles away.

Repeat with:

          We’re gonna clap, clap, clap, our crazies out and wiggle our waggles away!

          We’re gonna jump, jump, jump our jiggles out and wiggle our waggles away!

          We’re gonna jog, jog, jog our jitters out and wiggle our waggles away!

          We’re gonna stretch, stretch, stretch our stretchies out and wiggle our waggles           away!

          We’re gonna yawn, yawn, yawn our yawnies out and wiggle our waggles away!


Do the Finger Dance

Do the finger dance

Make your fingers dance

Make your fingers snap. (Snap your fingers.)

Do the finger dance

… Scratch. (Scratch your sides.)

... Shush. (Put your finger to your lips.)

… Shake (Shake fingers freely

… Sign “I love you.” (Make the “I love you” sign.)

… Point (point a finger to a friend)

… Stretch (flex and stretch your fingers freely)


Craft Instructions:

1. Untangle and lay the ribbons out on a flat surface.

2. Tape one end of each ribbon to the popsicle stick.

3. Decorate the popsicle stick.

4. Spin and Twirl with your wand and it will follow behind, dancing after you.

Extra play Ideas:

·        Pick a rhyming book out or call the Library to pick one out for you. Sing the words while you read it aloud to your child. They can dance along to the words.

·        Tape a small washer to the bottom of your child’s shoes. Let them experiment and free dance with their new “tap shoes”.


Monday, February 15, 2021


Monday Morning Messy Makers: Family

Keep scrolling to see book recommendations, songs, rhymes, activities, and crafts!

My Family

Tune: You Are My Sunshine

I love you (family member)

My dearest (family member)

You make me happy

When I am sad.

I want to tell you

I really love you!

When I’m with you,

I’m so glad!


These are Grandma’s Glasses

Recite each verse in different pitches

These are Grandma’s glasses (make glasses over eyes with fingers)

This is grandma’s hat (Place hands on head)

And this is the way she folds her hands  (Clasp hands together)

And lays them in her lap. (Place hands in lap)

These are Grandpa’s glasses (make bigger glasses over eyes with fingers)

This is grandpa’s hat  (Place over head to form large hat)

And this is the way he folds his hands  (Cross arms)

And takes a little nap. (Place head on arms as if sleeping)


Craft Instructions:


1. Use shapes to build a house.

2. It can look like the one you live in or your dream home to live in with your family.

Extra play Ideas:

·        Tell all about your family using the attached page.

·        Create a collage using magazines, family photos, or both. Find pictures of different types of families or a picture of something your family loves to do together.


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Move and Groove: I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas




I Like to Eat Apple and Bananas
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.
I like to drink, drink, drink milk and water.  
I like to drink, drink, drink milk and water.   
I like to drink, drink, drink milk and water.   
I like to drink, drink, drink milk and water.   
I want more, more, more, please and thank you.
I want more, more, more, please and thank you.
I want more, more, more, please and thank you.
I want more, more, more, please and thank you.  

I will be back next week with the girls for another giggle filled Move and Groove!


Sending you smiles from afar!
Miss Tiffany

Monday, February 8, 2021

Monday Morning Messy Makers: Love

Keep scrolling to see book recommendations, songs, rhymes, activities, and crafts!

 Love, Love, Love

Tune: The Three Blind Mice

Love, love, love

Love, love, love

See how it grows,

See how it grows.

I love all my friends, and they love me.

We love each other, that’s plain to see.

There’s plenty for a big family.

Love, love, love

Love, love, love



Tune: Row, Row, Row your Boat

Love, Love Everyone

Yes, we really do.

Valentines, Valentines, Valentines, Valentines

Sent from me to you!


Craft Instructions: Love comes in every color suncatchers!

1. Color coffee filter hearts with marker.

2. Place them flat on the counter and spray with water. You can use a spray bottle or flick water from your hands.

3. Allow to dry, then hang up in the window for the sun to shine through.


Extra play Ideas:

MMake “A Little Book of Love”

·     Create cards for people in your life that you love. Drop them off in their mailboxes or take them to the post office.


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Move and Groove: Open Shut Them




Open Shut Them
Open shut them, open shut them,
Give a little clap, clap, clap.
Open shut them, open shut them,
Put them in your lap, lap, lap.
Creep them, creep them, creep them, creep them,
Right up to your chin, chin, chin.
Open wide your little mouth
But do not let them in!
Walk them, walk them, walk them, walk them,
Right down to your toes, toes, toes.
Lift them, lift them to the sky
And touch your little nose!
Shake them, shake them, shake them, shake them,
Shake them just like this.
Roll them, roll them, roll them, roll them.
Give a little kiss!

As you can see, singing with a little wiggler can be hard!  Your little mover still needs to hear songs, so sing while she crawls around the house.  That's why this program is called Move and Groove!


Sending you smiles from afar!
Miss Tiffany

Monday, February 1, 2021


Monday Morning Messy Makers: The Night Sky

Keep scrolling to see book recommendations, songs, rhymes, activities, and crafts!

A Computer called Katherine by Suzanne Slade

Sulwe by Lupita Nyong'o

The Night is Yours by Abdul-Razak Bobo

Mr. Moon

Tune: Mr. Sun

Oh Mr. Moon, Moon, Mr. Milky Moon,

Please shine down on me!

Oh Mr. Moon, Moon, Mr. Milky Moon,

Hiding behind that tree

These little children are asking you

To please come out so we can play with you.

Oh Mr. Moon, Moon, Mr. Milky Moon,

Please shine down on me!


4 Little Stars

Four little stars

winking at me.

One shot off,

then there were three!

Three little stars

With nothing to do.

One shot off,

Then there were two!

Two little stars

Afraid of the sun.

One shot off,

Then there was one!

One little star

Alone is no fun.

It shot off,

then there was none!


Craft Instructions:

1. Cover the bottom of the plate with foil, taping the edges down.

2. Glue the moon circle to your page and decorate the sky with your star stickers.


Extra play Ideas:

·        Make moon sand with your little one by mixing together 4.5 cups of cornstarch and 1 cup of oil. Mix the ingredients together and dump into a bin for your child to play with.

·        Talk to your child about what a constellation is and go outside at night to see one. Let them create their very own constellation.



Diverse Books: Young Adult Books by Asian American and Pacific Islander Authors

    Asian American Pacific Islander Month May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Month and to celebrate the Macomb Public Library is ...