Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Move and Groove: Shape Song




Shape Song

Red square, red square, who do you see?

I see a blue diamond looking at me!

Blue diamond, blue diamond, who do you see? 

I see a purple circle looking at me!

Purple circle, purple circle, who do you see?

I see a  yellow star looking at me!

Yellow star, yellow star, who do you see?

I see a green heart looking at me!

Green heart, green heart, who do you see?

I see a black moon looking at me!

Black moon, black moon, who do you see?

I see a green triangle looking at me!

Green triangle, green triangle, who do you see?

I see a brown oval looking at me!

Brown oval, brown oval, who do you see?

I see an orange rectangle looking at me!


Reviewing shapes is an important part of early literacy because all letters are made up of shapes.  When children learn shapes, they can begin to see those shapes in letters and learn their letters more quickly as well.  So talk about the shapes you see today!  The rectangular mailbox, the oval shaped mirror, the circle shaped doughnut!   Use paper shapes to make letters and words.  Or, use paper shapes to make a house or train.  Everything, everywhere, is some combination of shapes!

Sending you smiles from afar!
Miss Tiffany

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