Thursday, October 1, 2020

Virtual Storytime: Finders Keepers




 Finders Keepers

by Keiko Kasza

published by G. P. Putnam's Sons

Opening Song:  Dance Your Fingers

Dance your fingers up, dance your fingers down

Dance your fingers to the side and dance them round and round

Dance them on your shoulders, dance them on your head

Dance them on your belly and now put them to bed!

Rhyme:  Frisky Little Squirrel

The frisky little squirrel

He gathers nuts and seeds

He hides them for the winter months

So he'll have all he needs.

And up and up he goes

And down and down he comes

He runs around goes up and down

His work is never done!

Read Aloud:  Finders Keepers by Keiko Kasza

Click to go to Keiko's website.

What is something that you have found?

Can you make art with things you find?  Give it a try today.  Look around your house and try to create a masterpiece!  (But ask permission before you use anything!)

Song:  Roll Your Hands

Roll, roll, roll your hands

Roll along with me

Do it now I'll show you how

Roll along with me

Shake your hands

Clap your hands

Nod your head

Shake your head


Closing Song:  May There Always Be Sunshine

May there always be sunshine

May there always be blue skies

May there always be children

May there always by you


May there always be stories

May there always be music

May there always be laughter

May there always be you


May there always be kindness

May there always be love

May you always feel special

Because you are you


Sending you smiles from afar!
Miss Tiffany

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