Thursday, September 24, 2020

Virtual Story Time: You Matter by Christian Robinson




 Virtual Storytime

You Matter

by Christian Robinson

published by Atheneum Books for Young Readers

Opening Song:  Dance Your Fingers

Dance your fingers up, dance your fingers down

Dance your fingers to the side and dance them round and round

Dance them on your shoulders, dance them on your head

Dance them on your belly and now put them to bed!

Rhyme:  Apple Tree

Way up high in the apple tree, 

Two little apples smiled at me.

I shook that tree as hard as I could,

And down came the apples.  MMM, they were good!

Read Aloud:  You Matter by Christian Robinson

Click to go to Christian's website.

Click to read an interview with Christian.

Click to watch Christian read You Matter.

Rhyme:  Five Little Hot Dogs

Five little hot dogs frying in the pan,

The oil got hot and one went BAM!

Four little hot dogs frying in the pan,

The oil got hot and one went BAM!

Three little hot dogs frying in the pan,

The oil got hot and one went BAM!

Two little hot dogs frying in the pan,

The oil got hot and one went BAM!

One little hot dog frying in the pan,

The oil got hot and one went BAM!


Closing Song:  May There Always Be Sunshine

May there always be sunshine

May there always be blue skies

May there always be children

May there always by you


May there always be stories

May there always be music

May there always be laughter

May there always be you


May there always be kindness

May there always be love

May you always feel special

Because you are you


Sending you smiles from afar!
Miss Tiffany

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