Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Move and Groove: Popcorn Kernels




Popcorn Kernels

One Song, Two Ways

Tune:  Frere Jacques

Popcorn kernels, popcorn kernels 

In the pot, in the pot

Shake them, shake them, shake them

Shake them, shake them, shake them

'Til they pop!  'Til they pop! 

For the big kids:  

Give your child a scarf or towel to shake to the beat.  Then, bunch it up in your hands for the pot.  Shake your hands, throw your scarf in the air and watch it float down for the pop.
Shaking the scarf to the beat lets children feel and hear  the rhythm of the song.  This will help with early literacy as they will come to understand the pace and pattern of language.

Take it further.  Make a shaker using real popcorn kernels, beans, rice or even cereal and a small container.  Talk about the different sounds it makes when you use more or less material and change the type of container.  Then use your shaker during the song instead of a scarf.

For the little babies:

Hold your baby and gently bounce them to the beat, lifting them up in the air for the pop.

Not only is the movement fun for little  ones, but bouncing to the beat shows that language has rhythm, a vital literacy skill.

Take it further.  Hold your baby in your lap and shake a rattle for them, then encourage them to hold the rattle.  Also, you can lay your baby on her back and bounce just her legs to the rhythm, giving her a little tickle for the pop!  

Sending you smiles from afar!
Miss Tiffany






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