Thursday, October 29, 2020

Virtual Storytime: Pumpkins





Opening Song:  Dance Your Fingers

Dance your fingers up, dance your fingers down

Dance your fingers to the side and dance them round and round

Dance them on your shoulders, dance them on your head

Dance them on your belly and now put them to bed!

Song:  Did You Ever See a Pumpkin?

Did you ever see a pumpkin,

A big orange pumpkin.

Did you ever see a pumpkin,

Roll this way and that.

Roll this way and that way

And that way and this way.

Did you ever see a pumpkin

Roll this way and that.

Did you ever see a pumpkin,

A small orange pumpkin.

Did you ever see a pumpkin,

Roll this way and that.

Roll this way and that way

And that way and this way.

Did you ever see a pumpkin

Roll this way and that.


Story:  Little Mouse's Big Surprise

Song:  I'm a Little Pumpkin

I'm a little pumpkin

Short and fat

I'll be a jack-o-lantern

How about that!

Just carve me a mouth

And nose and eyes

Then light be up for a

Halloween surprise


Closing Song:  May There Always Be Sunshine

May there always be sunshine

May there always be blue skies

May there always be children

May there always by you


May there always be stories

May there always be music

May there always be laughter

May there always be you


May there always be kindness

May there always be love

May you always feel special

Because you are you


Sending you smiles from afar!
Miss Tiffany

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Move and Groove: Five Little Pumpkins



Five Little Pumpkins

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate
The first one said "Oh my it's getting late"
The second one said "There are witches in the air"
The third one said "But we don't care"
The fourth one said "It's time to have some fun"
The fifth one said "Let's run and run and run"
A-hoooo went the wind and out went the light
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight

Happy Halloween everyone!

Monday, October 26, 2020


Monday Morning Messy Makers: Harvest

This week's theme is Harvest. Keep scrolling to see book recommendations, songs, rhymes, activities, and crafts.

Picking Out a Pumpkin

Tune: The More We Get Together

I’m picking out a pumpkin, a pumpkin, a pumpkin.

I’m picking out a pumpkin for Halloween day.

How about a tall one, a fat one, a small one?

How about a big one for Halloween day?

Oh no, it’s too heavy, too heavy, too heavy.

Put it in the wagon and haul it away!


I’m a Little Scarecrow

Tune: I’m a Little Teapot

I’m a little scarecrow (point to self)

Raggedy and worn (arms out like a scarecrow)

I wear a hat (touch your head)

And my shirt is torn (touch shirt)

When the crows fly here (flap arms like a crow)

I wave and shout (wave arms)

“Away from my garden! Now get out!” (Shake fist and point)


Craft Instructions:

1. Glue yellow strips of paper to the backside of the hat, then glue the hat to the paper plate.

2. Make your face! Draw on the eyes and mouth, then glue the nose and cheeks. Add details to make your scarecrow funny, silly, or scary.




Extra play Ideas:

  •  Collect rocks from outside and paint them to look like jack o lanterns. Sneak to friend’s house and put it near the door for a spooky surprise.
  • Make your own scarecrow, using an old button up and leaves from outside. Put your scarecrow face craft at the top to complete the look.



Monday, October 19, 2020


Monday Morning Messy Makers: Leaves

This week's theme is leaves. Keep scrolling to see book recommendations, songs, rhymes, activities, and crafts that your little one will fall for. (Recommended age:2-5).

Autumn Leaves

Tune: London Bridge

Autumn leaves are falling down, falling down, falling down.

Autumn leaves are falling down,

On the ground


Repeat with these verses:

            Find a broom and start to sweep…all together

            And make them in a great big heap…jump right in

            Here comes the wind to blow them ‘round…try again


Five Red Leaves!

Tune: Five Little Monkeys

Five red leaves, five and no more (hold up 5 fingers)
The caterpillar ate one, now there are four (thumb down)
Four red leaves, that's easy to see.
Along came a rainstorm, now there are three. (index down)
Three red leaves, nothing much to do.
A big wind blew, now two! (middle down)
Two red leaves, that's not much fun.
I glued one on my paper (ring down)
Now there is one. (hold up pinky)
Hang on, pretty red leaf! Your branches won't break.
You're one less leaf for me to rake!

 Make it!

1. Cut out and glue a paper rake handle down onto a piece of paper.

2. Before you glue the bottom of the rake on, cut slits and curl the strips to look like a rake.

3. Spread glue near the rake and bottom of the page and sprinkle small paper leaves all over the glue. You can also use leaf stickers or have your child draw them on. 

Try these out!

  • Go on an autumn themed scavenger hunt! Make a list of things you may find then go for a walk to try to spot them
  • Gather leaves from outside and try a few leaf rubbings. Put a leaf under a piece of paper and rub crayon across it to see the outline.
  •  Help a grownup rake leaves and then jump into the leaf pile.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Move and Groove: Milkshake




You take a little milk
Pour the milk
And you take a little cream
Pour the cream
You stir it all up
You shake it and you sing!
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it up, shake it up
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it on up!
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it up, shake it up
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it on up! 
You take a little milk
Pour the milk
And you take a little cream
Pour the cream
You stir it all up
You shake it and you sing!
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it up, shake it up
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it on up!
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it up, shake it up
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it on up! 
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it up, shake it up
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it on up!
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it up, shake it up
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it on up!

For the big kids:  
Use an egg shaker, rattle, or homemade shaker and shake along to the beat.  Children can also act out the motions by pouring the milk and cream.  Shake loud and soft as you sing at different volumes. 

For the little babies:

Sit your baby on your knee and tilt the baby to the side as you pour the milk and cream.  Then bounce and wiggle the baby on your knee as you shake up the milkshake.  

 If you baby is still a bobblehead, lay him on his back on the floor and hold his feet up in your hands.  Twist him side to side to pour the milk and cream, then wiggle those legs.  Don't forget to make happy faces at the baby while you sing!

Sending you smiles from afar!
Miss Tiffany

Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Monday Morning Messy Makers: Nocturnal Animals

This week's theme is nocturnal animals. Keep scrolling to see book recommendations, songs, rhymes, activities, and crafts that any night owl will enjoy. (Recommended age:2-5).

The Fireflies at Night

Tune: The Wheels on the Bus

The fireflies at night go blink, blink, blink

Blink, blink, blink, blink, blink, blink

The fireflies at night go blink, blink, blink

Out in the garden.


Repeat with these verses:

          Crickets in the field chirp…

          Spiders in the bush spin their webs…

          Worms in the ground wiggle and squirm…

          Owls in the branches say “HOO”…

          Bats in the sky soar on by…


Who is awake?


The sun has set,

The moon is up.

Some animals sleep

And others wake up.

Nocturnal animals are out all night,

And go back to sleep in the daylight.

Make It!

1. Crinkle brown strips of paper or paper bag and build a tree, gluing everything into place.

2. Place pairs of eyeballs all around to show all the nocturnal animals peeking through the dark.

Try these out!
  • Wait for dark and have a listening party. Listen for owls, raccoons, crickets, and more!
  • How late can you stay up? Are you a night owl or early riser?

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Virtual Storytime: A Big Mooncake for Little Star




A Big Mooncake for Little Star

by Grace Lin

published by Little, Brown and Company

Opening Song:  Dance Your Fingers

Dance your fingers up, dance your fingers down

Dance your fingers to the side and dance them round and round

Dance them on your shoulders, dance them on your head

Dance them on your belly and now put them to bed!

Rhyme:  Five Little Stars (tune:  Five Little Ducks)

Five little stars went out one night

Gold and silver, shiny and bright.

Up came the sun with the morning light

One little star blinked out of sight!

Four little stars went out one night

Gold and silver, shiny and bright.

Up came the sun with the morning light

One little star blinked out of sight!

Three little stars went out one night

Gold and silver, shiny and bright.

Up came the sun with the morning light

One little star blinked out of sight!

Two little stars went out one night

Gold and silver, shiny and bright.

Up came the sun with the morning light

One little star blinked out of sight!

One little stars went out one night

Gold and silver, shiny and bright.

Up came the sun with the morning light 

That little star blinked out of sight!


 Read Aloud:  A Big Mooncake for Little Star by Grace Lin

Click to go to Grace's website.

Click to go to the A Big Mooncake for Little Star page.

Click to go to the Globe Trottin' Kids page for the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival. 

Song:  Mix the Batter

Mix the batter, stir the batter

Shake the batter in.

Mix the batter, stir the batter

Pour it in a tin.

Sprinkle in some raisins

And put it in to bake.

Open up the oven doors

And out comes the cake!


Closing Song:  May There Always Be Sunshine

May there always be sunshine

May there always be blue skies

May there always be children

May there always by you


May there always be stories

May there always be music

May there always be laughter

May there always be you


May there always be kindness

May there always be love

May you always feel special

Because you are you


Sending you smiles from afar!
Miss Tiffany

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Move and Groove: Shape Song




Shape Song

Red square, red square, who do you see?

I see a blue diamond looking at me!

Blue diamond, blue diamond, who do you see? 

I see a purple circle looking at me!

Purple circle, purple circle, who do you see?

I see a  yellow star looking at me!

Yellow star, yellow star, who do you see?

I see a green heart looking at me!

Green heart, green heart, who do you see?

I see a black moon looking at me!

Black moon, black moon, who do you see?

I see a green triangle looking at me!

Green triangle, green triangle, who do you see?

I see a brown oval looking at me!

Brown oval, brown oval, who do you see?

I see an orange rectangle looking at me!


Reviewing shapes is an important part of early literacy because all letters are made up of shapes.  When children learn shapes, they can begin to see those shapes in letters and learn their letters more quickly as well.  So talk about the shapes you see today!  The rectangular mailbox, the oval shaped mirror, the circle shaped doughnut!   Use paper shapes to make letters and words.  Or, use paper shapes to make a house or train.  Everything, everywhere, is some combination of shapes!

Sending you smiles from afar!
Miss Tiffany

Monday, October 5, 2020


Monday Morning Messy Makers: Community Helpers

Today's theme is community helpers. We are focusing on firemen, as it is Fire Prevention Week. Keep scrolling to see book recommendations, songs, rhymes, activities, and crafts that will spark your child's creativity and learning. (Recommended age:2-5).

What do you know?

Tune: The Farmer in The Dell

The firemen are brave.

The firemen are brave.

Hey-Ho what do you know

The firefighters are brave.

    Repeat with these verses:

          Dentists check our teeth…

          Bakers bake our bread….

          Barbers cut our hair…

          The Chef cooks our food…

          The Farmer sows the field…

Make your own Fire Dog!

1. Print out or draw, then glue your dog head and hat to the base of a paper bag, like a puppet.

2. Glue your fire dog’s eyes on.

3. Draw in the mouth and spots on the body. You can even draw a tail on the back!

Try these out!
  • Try to put out flames! Tape pictures of flames up and let your little one shoot at them with a nerf gun or squirt gun.
  • Talk about what kind of community helper they want to be when they grow up.



Thursday, October 1, 2020

Virtual Storytime: Finders Keepers




 Finders Keepers

by Keiko Kasza

published by G. P. Putnam's Sons

Opening Song:  Dance Your Fingers

Dance your fingers up, dance your fingers down

Dance your fingers to the side and dance them round and round

Dance them on your shoulders, dance them on your head

Dance them on your belly and now put them to bed!

Rhyme:  Frisky Little Squirrel

The frisky little squirrel

He gathers nuts and seeds

He hides them for the winter months

So he'll have all he needs.

And up and up he goes

And down and down he comes

He runs around goes up and down

His work is never done!

Read Aloud:  Finders Keepers by Keiko Kasza

Click to go to Keiko's website.

What is something that you have found?

Can you make art with things you find?  Give it a try today.  Look around your house and try to create a masterpiece!  (But ask permission before you use anything!)

Song:  Roll Your Hands

Roll, roll, roll your hands

Roll along with me

Do it now I'll show you how

Roll along with me

Shake your hands

Clap your hands

Nod your head

Shake your head


Closing Song:  May There Always Be Sunshine

May there always be sunshine

May there always be blue skies

May there always be children

May there always by you


May there always be stories

May there always be music

May there always be laughter

May there always be you


May there always be kindness

May there always be love

May you always feel special

Because you are you


Sending you smiles from afar!
Miss Tiffany

Diverse Books: Young Adult Books by Asian American and Pacific Islander Authors

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